View Profile MagnusTheRed
Just Chillin

Age 35, Male

Me? Work? ROFLMAO!1!

Golden Grove HS

Adelaide, South Australia

Joined on 9/13/06

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August 3rd was my year 12 formal. Kinda like the prom if you're in America. It was at the Stamford Grand Hotel in Glenelg.

There was a record turn out, which was good except for the whole school photo on the staircase. That was... interesting, nearly fatal, one of the two. Someone just had to get sick during the photo and make us wait there for what seemed like half an hour longer than we needed to, we were sweating from just standing there we were so tightly packed.
I felt pretty sexy in my formal outfit, flat black suit, black shirt and a red tie to match my girlfriends dress. I realised how Greenday I looked if I took the jacked off, so it stayed on, no matter how hot things got. Got photos taken of course, I may post them at a later date.
We had a good time at the formal, but the after party is what most people were looking forward to. Lucky the limo driver was chilled enough to stop off at a BWS (booze shop) before taking us home, otherwise we'd be screwed at the after party.
After a bit of pissing around with one of my mates beer he needed to collect, we arrived at the party, albeit a bit late. It was great to rock out with some of the guys I hadn't partied with in a long time, and some guys with whom I'd yet to have the pleasure. However, our ride showed up and if we didn't leave we'd have to crash the night. I don't mind sleeping at someone else's house after a party, but I really wanted to just be with my girlfriend at that time, she felt the same way, so we went home at about 2:30, 3:00am, something like that.

We were so tired after that, it was hard to bother hanging the suit up instead of throwing it in a pile on the floor. Poor Emma, she had to remove her make up before she could go to bed. Neither of us can understand how anyone can do that every day, the whole make up thing. Seems like a really silly thing to do constantly. So we finally get to sleep around 5:00, 5:30am.

We wake up at 10:00am, go to an 18th that night, stay out till 1:30am, get to sleep around 4:00am, wake up at 9:00am, bum around the house all day until Emma gets picked up. It was a good weekend.

And now I'm pretty tired, so goodnight NG <3.

: Thanks for reading <333